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Mental Health

Light Reading for the Heavy Heart: I Know Who I Am

“I know who I am, by the nobility of my friends, the gentleness of their faces, the glory of their spears and shields. I am related to saints ...

Make your own kind of mindful

I have a confession. Previous to June 2019 I was somewhat dismissive of the whole idea of mindfulness. I felt it a fad for people that enjoyed colouring-in. ...

Default Setting: Kindness

For some of us, kindness is automatic; we are just kind by nature (most of the time, anyway – there are moments… 😉 ). And it can be ...

Light Reading for the Heavy Heart: Finding Harmony in Relationships

‪“Emotional interaction is a duet in which we are constantly fine-tuning our volume to match that of our fellow.” Russ Roberts ‬ Meeting new people can be overwhelming ...

Light Reading for the Heavy Heart: Stop To See The Music

“See deeply enough and you see musically.” Thomas Carlyle Don’t we all love music? It moves us. It causes us to remember, to think. The songwriter has this ...

Post-WordCamp Emotions

WordCamps are amazing events, whether they are huge or small. They all take energy and time. They fill us with good feelings. They add to our knowledge base. ...

Small Things: Give Something

Many of us can give something to others. It need not be your money or even your time. It can be something as easy as a smile, a ...

Confessions of a Manic Depressive: A Survival Guide Through the Darkness.

Sometimes I feel like we’re in a Fight Club called Depression and the first rule of Depression is we do not talk about Depression. The first time I ...