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Small things to make a positive change #3 – Mental Health

For some of us that work from home, getting dressed might fall into this category, although for others this may be a big step. Falling into the routine ...

Freelancing and Invisible Illness

When it comes to freelancing and invisible illness, they can be a match made in heaven or the lesser of two evils. So how do you balance your ...

One of us; we are all “one of us”

Goodness, it’s harder than it seems, to write stuff quite so personal somewhere beyond one’s personal blog (and even that takes some gumption at times). My first #PressForward ...

Take time for your mental health

Do you set aside time to look after your mental health? Do you feel buried underneath huge amounts of work, clashing deadlines or moving targets? Working in the ...

WordPress, the Community and Your Mental Health

Recently I had the honour to be invited to speak at the Greenville, South Carolina WordPress Group.  Being UK based, I had two choices; jump on a plane the ...