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Weekly Wellness Checklist


Your wellness depends on YOU. Many of us survive on To-Do lists, notes on scraps of paper or post-its, audio memos in our phones, Alexa reminders, laying out our clothes the night before, and so many other tricks to get the job done.

But then we neglect ourselves in the mix. Are YOU on your TO-DO list.

Consider yourself your biggest asset. I mean without YOU, who or what would you be? That’s right, YOU need YOU to survive. So taking care of you needs to be a top priority.

Your YOU TO DO wellness list

You should have daily wellness checklist of what you need to accomplish to be happy and healthy and productive. I’ve created some list items below for you, but feel free to add your own!

  • Get a good night’s rest
  • Brush your teeth in the morning
  • Brush your teeth before bed
  • Eat a (healthy) meal
  • Drink water
  • Shower
  • Move your body (walk, dance, run, do yoga…)
  • Unplug for awhile (sit in silence, do artwork, wash the dishes, fold laundry…)
  • Set goals for tomorrow
  • Find gratitude during the day
  • Forgive yourself for something you’re hard on yourself about
  • Get some fresh air
  • Pay attention to your breathing
  • Relax your shoulders
  • Take a nap
  • Listen to music
  • Talk to a friend or family member

It’s fine and well to read a list and think “I’ll try to do more of that” but to actually make a list that you check off daily can give you an amazing sense of accomplishment, and also show you where you need to work to take better care of yourself.

If you go 2-3 days not checking one of the items, ask yourself why. What roadblock exists to accomplishing that task. And what can you do to address it.

For example, one of the symptoms of depression/anxiety might be neglecting personal hygiene, so daily showering might be difficult. What can you do to work through that? Maybe a new shampoo or soap can help. Maybe a new fluffy towel is a good incentive. Broadcast music in the bathroom to listen to music while you’re tending to your hygiene. Find something that will motivate you.

Ultimately, how you work with others is affected by how you treat yourself. The adage “you can’t pour from an empty vessel” is true. If you deplete yourself, you have nothing left to give.

Click below for a printable PDF list you can start with. Add others. Put it on your phone or an app. Wherever you put your list, make sure you pay attention to it and take care of yourself.

Oh, and if you go a week checking off all the wellness items? Find a way to reward yourself! Fancy coffee or a new book work. Or maybe you like video games or going for a drive. Whatever becomes your “carrot” for motivation, make it work for you.

Take care of yourself. You’re worth it.

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