“Every work of art is the child of its age and, in many cases, the mother of our emotions. It follows that each period of culture produces an art of its own which can never be repeated.”
Wassily Kandinsky
Life mimics art; art mimics life. Can the two ever be separated? Emotions are trapped in the context of the artist. Not just alone with the creator. No. Art’s meaning and emotion is trapped in a moment of time. That moment of time has contextual culture.
We reminisce about music popular in our childhoods and wonder why the younger generations don’t appreciate it. They didn’t understand.
Why was Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band such an impactful album? It wasn’t just about the drug culture. No. Les Paul invented sound on sound recording and The Beatles brought it to popular culture. They used a four track recording and recorded over it several times to achieve the layers of sound. What was once revolutionary is now standard.
Kandinsky says “every work of art is the child of its age.” That means everyone can be its parent. Art is in us. Instead of focusing on imitation of our beloved works of art, we should create for today. This moment. These emotions. Capture the culture. Capture our lives. Reflect and allow the message to resonate.
Today’s Thought
Art is in me. I recognize and appreciate my creativity. I strive to reflect the authenticity of today – my emotions – our culture. I am art and art is me.