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Speaking at WordFest Live – Upload Your Session



We’re so excited that you will be presenting a session at WordFest 2022!  

We’re reaching out now to fill you in on the details and the next steps. These are the details of your session. All times are in UTC. The World Time Buddy is a useful tool to help convert to your local time.

  • Your Session Title: %SESSION_TITLE%
  • Your Time Slot: %SESSION_TIME_UTC% UTC

You indicated you would like to either deliver your session pre-recorded or had no preference.  We would like to invite you to deliver your session pre-recorded.  You will also be asked to join us for a live Q&A session for 10 minutes following the live-streaming of your recorded session.  For us to facilitate this, we require your session prior to the event.

Please submit your recorded session by February 11, midnight UTC via this form:


We will soon provide access details and information on how to join our speaker’s Green Room sessions, to get yourself prepared for the live event.  

Below you’ll find some additional information.  

  • Here is a short video with things to consider when creating your recorded session.
  • Please register for the event as an attendee, we will mark you as a Speaker in your profile.
  • Help us get the word out! Like and share our posts on social media.
  • Use hashtag #WordFestLive when you’re posting so we see it, and feel free to tag Big Orange Heart!

We’re here to support you and answer any questions you have, so feel free to reach out!

Looking forward to seeing your awesome session!

The WordFest Live 2022 Team 🧡

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