Are you a member of a Facebook Group? Are you up for a little healthy competition? We’d like to introduce you to #MayYourHeartBeOrange
Yes, we’re asking for your help, but we’ve made it super easy for you. Through the month of May, can you encourage your favourite Facebook group to take part in this campaign?
You may have seen that Big Orange Heart pivoted to Big Orange Heart with a broader focus on the remote working communities. We’ve seen more than a 300% increase in demand, coupled with a 90% decrease in public donations through the current global crisis.
Today (5th May) is #GivingTuesdayNow a dedicated day to try and support charities globally through the current COVID-19 crisis. So we’re using this day to launch #MayYourHeartBeOrange.
How To Fundraise
The idea is simple; you share this link: with your favourite Facebook group administrator. They watch this simple explainer video on how to set up their own dedicated fundraiser and then they share it with the group.

Each group then competes with each other, to raise the most amount of money to support wellbeing and mental health services for the remote working communities. Take a look at how your favourite Facebook Group is doing now: Every penny goes directly into delivering support for thousands of individuals, colleagues and friends.
Be the change this month… #MayYourHeartBeOrange