I don’t need to tell you that we’re in strange times. Times that have seen us all need to adapt and evolve. It’s in times like these that we often reflect, evaluate and consider how we can best move forward.
You’re not alone in these thoughts and feelings. There’s an incredible strength to be drawn from one another when we come together.
This is why I’m writing to let you know that here at Big Orange Heart we’re working on an initiative that will see us stronger #together. (In fact, I’ve got a special little gift for you at the end of this post to support this statement.)
On Tuesday 5th May 2020 the Giving Tuesday movement will launch a special day dedicated to supporting charities in this time of crisis; #GivingTuesdayNow.

In recent weeks Big Orange Heart has seen more than a 310% increase in communication and demand on the services offered. We’ve also seen a 90% decrease in public donations. This is understandable. We actively support the message of being responsible with your finances at this challenging time.
However, we can not sustain the charitable efforts provided for much longer with these conflicting financial figures. This is why we’re working very hard to deliver something new. We’ll be revealing more in the coming days, and we hope you can join us in celebrating these next steps for the charity.
I want to appeal to you at this time; if you can run a fundraising activity for Big Orange Heart to help us continue to deliver free mental health support. Then #GivingTuesdayNow is a perfect opportunity. We have lots of ideas that can help support you in running an event or taking steps to raise funds.
We need the support of those that can, so we can come together and support those of greatest need. In recent weeks we have listened to people, some of which have been in the darkest of places imaginable. There are people still alive today due to the conversations that have taken place. I don’t say this lightly.
So in the next two weeks, please consider supporting us and also keep an eye out as we share more exciting details of what’s to come.
I said earlier I had a little gift for you now. Well here it is; we have launched a mini-series on The #PressForward Podcast called #together. And today we released the first episode.
The #together show is a short episode, around 10-15 minutes long, in which we hear positive stories from community members about things that have taken place in this time of isolation.
So please enjoy this on us. And please stay safe.