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How we actually are Stronger #Together


As we continue to sit on our hands with the excitement coming next week (all will become clear, I promise), today we wanted to share more about how we actually “are” Stronger #Together.

What exactly can this mean, being Stronger #Together? Well, within Big Orange Heart there are several ways that we enable this:

  • With the Slack community where you can engage as much as you want or need to, or simply be amongst the community in channels for all kinds of topics:
    • You can “ask anything” – literally, anything, and others there will help however they can.
    • You can “celebrate” – from small wins within your day, or more. It can feel good to share the positives in life.
    • The “how are you” channel is somewhere to note how you’re feeling, and you can expand on that or not – it’s entirely up to you. It’s there for your benefit.
    • And there are other channels for different aspects of your well-being, from a “lounge” to general “well-being”, to “spoonies”, and, of course, “random”.
  • With Facebook, if that’s where you’re more comfortable hanging out – chatting in more random form, asking stuff, generally being with people you know will be supportive.
  • During this time of lockdown you can join in with a weekly “open chat” via Zoom – just to be “with” people; there are usually at least a dozen or so of us there and we chat about anything and everything, or not – you can just “be” with us. We’re there, here, for you.
  • Something we will support and enable more of are more “Lifegroups” – 6 or so people who build trust and virtually meet fortnightly (or more often when this can be more mutually supportive). The first of these groups has resulted in a group of friends that has resulted in each person feeling stronger by being together. It’s really astonishingly awesome and we look forward to creating, supporting more.

And do you know how we’ve been able to provide and support all of this? Partly through sponsorship, but also because of you; Thank You!

Each time we make an appeal to the community for support, you give and make the difference for hundreds of people. We realise this could be made simpler for you, and so now ask for your ongoing support of $10 each month. 

Today we are asking you for your support because it makes a difference and will continue to do so. Your small monthly gift means we make a big difference by keeping the above communities alive and supported, and we can, of course, create more. There are many ideas…

As more of you join in the Stronger #Together campaign and add your monthly $10, the more available our services can be for more of you that need them. There are many ways you need our help – handling the loneliness of working alone, encouragement to feel a part of a community, or for worse times, such as losing someone you love, or when your mental wellbeing is struggling. We are here for you. And we are all Stronger #Together.

By supporting us you are helping to ensure we’re here to support your community.  A community of remote workers, people that can experience high levels of isolation year-round in their daily working lives. 

Giving $10 each month will immediately make a difference to fellow remote workers. And right now, we are all (well, most of us) working remotely. We need to be here to support you.

Please enjoy today’s special podcast:

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